Around the holidays, when I was searching the 'net for ideas for my vintage book wreaths, I came across some of the most amazing paper art that I have ever seen. The artist who did the little bird in a tree below is Su Blackwell. You must go check out her website for more of her amazing work. It's whimsical, beautiful, and sometimes even a little bit sad....

This light from Paper Couture is genius, and I'm thinking I'd like to make one some time:

Another artist, Oona Patterson, creates the most amazing things!
These next three are completely different, and are by San Francisco artist Jeff Nishinaka:

I love the soft roundness of his pieces.

I got this pic from, which is a design website of some sort. I think this was part of an advertising campaign or something. Sorry I'm short on credit for this one. But I just liked the more retro feel of this work:

I think this last one is my favorite from Su Blackwell....a little cabin in the woods:

Someday I'll have one of these....
Cool. cool. COOL Beans Sharona! Really amazing that someones hands and eyes work that way!
Gorgeous things you found, Sharona! So, when you say "Someday I'll have one of these...." do you mean made out of paper . . . or for real? Bwa!
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