I'm talking about the new Restoration Hardware catalog. I'd just like to say ****droooool****
Aren't these steel beds and the zinc dresser fantastic?!
Aren't these steel beds and the zinc dresser fantastic?!

...and we all know I'm a sucker for a linen slipcover.

This desk is hilarious, and really tickled my fancy. I'd love to know who is buying it, and where they're putting it. My brother-in-law has a plane, but I don't think he'd put this desk in his house, no matter how cool it is:

This couch reminds me of MY couch, so of course now I want to own that awesome coffee table...

This is sleek and lovely:


The whole catalog has this time-worn washed out wood theme going on, that I'm really loving.

I think I may have posted this pic before. I love a winged bed!

This desk appealed to me right away, and then I looked at the description, and it's a copy of a garment table--I'm assuming one that used to have a sewing machine on it? See? It was meant to be! I love that mirror above the desk too.

Tuft me, baby!

LOVE this table, and would love to have a party around it:

Some day I'm going to find me one of these pharmacist cabinets at an antique store, and I'm going to strip it, and it's going to look just like this:
(hey, a girl can dream...)

This mirror: *swoon* again:

Oh how I wish I could pull off this look in my house. I just always gravitate to color, though. I can't help myself. Color makes me happy! Maybe I'll save this look for my beach house:
(like i said...a girl can dream, right?!)


More tables waiting for me to host dinner parties:

...and last but not least, a closer look at the zinc night stand. I love zinc. I once saw a zinc bathtub at an antique store in Hudson, NY, and fell in love:

Go to RestorationHardware.com to see more of this deliciousness. I'm only like 10 pages into the catalog, and this is how excited I got! :) (Oh, to have millions of dollars to blow....)
I so agree with you. I love the look of white and neutral, but have to have some shots of color as well.
Hey, have you seen the younghouse blog?
They used that same shape of mirror (the one above the desk) in their master bathroom. Really clever usage of it too!
Ooh . . . lots of lovelies to look at. But the two that grab me? Honestly? The airplane wing (or whatever) desk . . . and the zinc dresser . . . oh, and the chests at the foot of the metal beds. LOVELY!
I'm not sure if I've seen the younghouse blog or not, Carol. I'll have to google it, unless you have the address.
Diane, I'm actually shocked that you love that desk! That's the last thing I would have expected you to pick as a fav. Funny. I think you should get it! It'll add a little ZIP to your place! Hee! I'm sure Jim would LOVE it! ♥
I just think it's uber different, and sleek yet not sleek. And it would make work a little more fun. Of course, I have no place to put it, even if I had the $$$'s to blow, but it would be fun! Now that zinc dresser I could use right away. So if you come across two of those, feel free to keep one for yourself and send the other my way, please!
I'll get right on it, Diane! ;)
Like I have time, but rather than lose my mind sometimes I have to take a minute away from the grind . . . so I did a search on Zinc Dressers. The RH one is what - $1895? This gal came up with a version that's not bad. And if it were "darkened" up a bit, etc. it would be pretty cool. Just thought it would make a nice project for you in your spare time. Bwa!
love the steel beds....but especially the winged bed !!!
I walked past Restoration Hardware on Friday and it really caught my eye, too, but in a different way: it looked dreary, drab and so, so sad in person, almost like someone had died and a gray pall had befallen everything. The pics you posted don't look as terrible as the store in person did. There was nothing cheerful and uplifting or happy about the store. But I absolutely LOVE that pharmacist cabinet - I hope you can do it one day. Tres cool!
I have seen the catalog and found many things I love about it.:)
I think the individual pieces can look fabulous. I didn't care for the way the store displays were done, all gray and dreary and dimly lit. The catalog looks much better!
Hey,girlfriend! Where you at? I think you're due for an update. BTW, love your header!
I'm right here, Rose. This winter has really just been kicking my mental BUTT. I think I lost my blogging mojo. AND my photography mojo. I just realized the other day that I didn't go out at all this winter (that I can remember) and take snow shots, etc. I've felt like a shut-in for months, and I'm only now just beginning to emerge from my cave.
Thank goodness there are warmer temps coming our way, and my late April trip to Florida will hopefully give me the kick-start I need. I HAVE purchased a fabulous new camera, so get ready! Once I figure out how to use the darn thing, you'll be coming here to ask me nicely to please shaddap! ;)
Thanks for missing me! ♥
I was missing you too, so thought I'd pop in.
Here's the link to the younghouselove blog, which leads you to how they used their mirror.
Thanks for the link, Carol. I'll be heading over there to waste some time later. :) Right now, I'm getting slammed with work, so not a lot of blog-time!
Great pictures, I love the first pic always looking for special inspiration for a guest room. I will follow on my way out so I know how to return to your beautiful blog. I hope you will find the time to visit my place soon and do the same. Whilst I am here I will wish you all a very Merry Christmas just incase I dont get back in time. Look forward to seeing more of you in the New Year! Cheers SpecialK XoXo
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