Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Wonderland

I probably should have brought my pots in....*sigh* I hope too many of them don't get ruined.
Maybe when it warms up I can rescue them.

My little Japanese maple is so picturesque:
Remember you can click the photos to see them larger.
They really look much more impressive that way.

I love this stand of young cedars in my neighbor's yard:
These are lily seed pods. These lilies are incredible when in bloom.
I'll have to get a good picture this summer:
I felt badly for the birds today, with all the snow on the ground. Thank goodness all of my neighbors have bird feeders. I think that's why there were so many birds around this afternoon while I was shoveling. I'm glad SOMEbody's taking care of the poor things!
I took this picture from the end of my driveway.
I hadn't shoveled myself all the way out at this point:
If you've got snow, as I know many of you out there do, make the most of it and enjoy it! Spring will come. I promise!

*all of my photos were edited with Photoshop Elements 8.0 and Lightroom 2.0
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1 comment:

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Brrrrrr ...! Oh, I'm just terrible with cold. Hurts. Nonetheless, lovely pics, dear one! Very cool shot of the lily seed pods and the bittersweet. (Notice I pick the least snowy pics? haha!) Enjoy!

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