Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun with Photoshop

I've gotten absolutely nothing of substance done today.


dec0r8or said...

Well, learning Photoshop is going to help me with the website stuff, so I'm not feelin' the guilt. :P

dec0r8or said...

P.S. My blog's prettier now too. :)

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ooooh. Pretty Sharon!! I don't know...I call that substance!

When are you coming to these parts??? I'm going to Gainsville in Mid Feb...maybe the trains shall meet???

sandra/tx said...

Well, you've created a new header for Canyon Wren Cottage. I'd say that's pretty productive. :-)

I love everything you've done so far, Sharon. You're so talented!

dec0r8or said...

Linda, that would be cool if we could meet! I'll be down from the 10th-18th. Maybe we could meet in the middle for lunch or something! It would be fun to finally meet you in person instead of selling you cars on the down-low and

Anonymous said...

I think this is definitely substance! I never got around to photoshop. Looks like fun!

Now I need to go have a look at Sandra's header. I didn't know you made it!

Rose - Watching Waves said...

Looks your day was very substantive! Love the new header and the very-way-cool bird-not-in-a-cage graphics! One day, when I get around to sprucing up my blog, I'm gonna come a'knocking.

Amber Cargile said...


sandra/tx said...

Hey, girl. I've left an award for you on my blog. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the new look of your blog!!!

Your photoshop work rocks!!!! you go girl!!

I need to earn this so badly!!

smiles, joy~

Anonymous said...

oops!! "LEARN" this!!!


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