Friday, January 16, 2009

Andrew Wyeth


He died last night at the age of 91.  The Washington Post did a nice article on him today.


Amber Cargile said...

I was sorry to hear he had died. I know he is most famous for Christina's World, but I have always loved his one of the dog on the bed that you posted. RIP!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Awwww. We love him here. The kids and I went on a field trip to the brandywine area in PA several years ago...visited the Wyeth museum...learned so much about him.

Rest in Peace, Sir Wyeth.

sandra/tx said...

He was SO talented, wasn't he? I'll bet he'd have been a neat man to get to know.

Anonymous said...

I've always admired his work. It brings a sort of calm/peace to my soul. Terrie has a print of the dog on the bed, in her guest room. I'm sorry to hear of his passing.

Kathi said...

Just stumbled upon your blog due to the photo of Andrew Wyeth. I love the wisdom in his face. I lingered here for a while just watching your snowflakes fall on the screen. You have a beautiful blog and I've found it all very peaceful this morning...

suzette said...

Sharon, your blog is beautiful! (Now THAT'S my idea of snow!)

The Greenville museum has quite a Wyeth collection, I've heard. I really need to go see it. I've always loved his dog on the bed. What talent he had.

Lisa said...

Look at that face of his in the photo you posted. He has a very interesting face...the kind that needs to be painted. :-)

Did he do a self-portriat? Now I have to go find out...

Yes, his work is so beautiful and calming and peaceful to look at. He shall always be remembered.

America's Next Top Mommy said...

What a terrible loss! Thanks for dropping by and giving such a nice complement. I really appreciate it!!!

Jean Martha said...

Great artist...but Christina's World always depressed me. I've never understood why my sister has a print of it in her dining room.

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