Jennifer and I went to the garden show a couple of weekends ago. We had a great time, and I took a FEW pictures...didn't get any of the flower arranging contests, or door displays, which were all quite fun. We were more interested in the garden and water garden displays.

I loved this arbor because I have the remains of a fort in my back yard, which I think could easily be converted to something similar. Whether it'll actually happen or not is another story entirely, but a girl can dream, right?

The water feature above looked very realistic, with all of the river rock. I loved it.
The one below wasn't as good, but it wasn't bad either!!

Notice below, the fountain built right into the patio. We loved this! I think Jennifer is going to do it on her back patio this summer. Can't you just see yourself sitting there on a hot day with your toes in the water? I can!

I loved the large flat boulders in this next display. Anybody know where I can find some of those CHEAP? Stone is so darn expensive.
I may have to just take BF's truck and start a boulder hunt!!

I thought this tulip display with the painting was clever, so I snapped a pic.

How about the lawn lady?! FUNNY!

I loved the nasturtiums with the coleus here. I think I'll be copying that this season. I still need
some boulders, though, to bring it all together. Don't you agree?

Blue bicycle built for two! :)

It was nice to get a taste of spring before spring has actually sprung! I'm amazed at what they can make happen inside a college gymnasium every year. Next year, I'm thinking Philadelphia Garden Show. Right? I hear it's amazing!