Friday, May 09, 2008

Oy..what a mess!

Ok, so I haven't moved in 8 years. But seriously, how is it possible to collect so much STUFF in 8 yrs time? It's funny, as I'm packing the boxes, I'm thinking to myself "I may never unpack this box again." I might just leave it in the garage on a shelf and forget about it. That's how OVER my stuff I am right now. It's all just frivolity and silliness....and every last bit of it collects dust. I'm thinking that the time for editing is NOW. It's time to slice through the chaff, and get down to the nitty gritty--display only what I love, or that which has some sentimental importance.

In the mean time, I'm enjoying the emptiness of the new house, before I get all of my crap moved over there. The floors are gorgeous, and everything is freshly painted. I've thought that I should just move a chair and a lamp over, and maybe my bed, and call it done. :) Ok, so I guess I haven't gone TOTALLY overboard yet. I'll move it all over, but it's going to be a new me over there on Wood Ave. A cleaner, tidier, more organized me. I swear. Really. Honest.


Amber Cargile said...

Damn, I wrote a big reply and Blogger ate it!

I am SO thrilled that you are in your house, Sharon! It is so charming...what a wonderful home for you and Tat. Love the idea of keeping it simple. The floors sound lovely, too! We need some inside pics! Can't wait to see you work your magic throughout. And send me your new address so I can mail you your housewarming gift! I've saved it for you!

Amber Cargile said...
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Rose - Watching Waves said...

Moving is such a great time to assess what a person truly needs and what is just "frivolity and silliness." Purge away, Sharon! As William Morris said, "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." Best of luck with the move and your newer, more open spaces!

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