OK, so I haven't hemmed the sofa yet--it still needs a little tweaking. But I serged it! And I hemmed the ottoman, so THAT is completely done! I'm LOVING the transformation. It's like a breath of fresh air. (Of course, it helps that the windows are open....)

I had BF bring the mirror in from the garage, to reflect the other windows in the room. It's working! It's a little brighter in here!

Oops! This isn't a slipcover OR a barn sale find...I just caught the two of them cuddling this morning, and couldn't resist snapping a pic. As usual, BF wouldn't look at the camera. (Incognito, all the way!)

Not too shabby, eh?!:

I had Kathleen bring these creamy drapes in from the barn--they were left from a showhouse I did a few years ago. I took down the red silk striped ones, and put these up for the summer--LOVE it--so bright in here now!

Here's a shot where you can see that the red chair sticks out like a sore thumb now. I have some black linen that I've had for a few years--it's a heavier weave than the sofa--and I'm considering slipcovering it in that. Oh, and the paintings on either side of the mirror are going. I'm going to hang carved wood sconces there instead. I'll get right on that.... :P

See my cute little chair? $12 at a barn sale today! It needs to be reupholstered, but I threw a linen runner over it and plopped it on the porch for now. I love the lines of this chair.
I'm a chair ho. Seriously. I love chairs.

I got this cute little beat up tool box for $1! (
Rhoda will be so proud!) I filled it with my leftover pansies from the six-packs I bought last week, et voila! Ain't it cute?! Oh, and I bought the wood pedestal for $8--a little much, but I needed SOMEthing to put the toolbox on, right?

Ba-deep Ba-deep, ba-deep, that's all folks! (Actually, it's not. I'll have more of my bargains to show you soon! I made out like a bandit today!) Oh, and Kathleen is a freaking STAR, let me tell ya! I saw her play last night, and the kid is amazing. Did I say she's amazing? 'Cause seriously. The girl can SING. AND act!!